The Weekender

OUR TAKE: What’s in a Name? 

Quoting Shakespeare is not one of my fortes. Though he is touted to be the finest author ever, understanding the true meaning of his words requires patience and understanding. If his writing is so good, why is there a cottage industry of study guides for each of his plays? One of my friends in college never bought a book if there was a study guide available. Skipping the middleman was his theory.

I prefer the “punch you in the eyes” style. If what is said in this column is vague or ambiguous, it is due to the inability of the author and not a clever and witty writing trick to look smarter than we are. Plain speaking, particularly when giving instructions, seems to be the safest path. 

It is in the spirit of forthrightness that I spend a few moments on what must be one of the least important messages you will receive in your lifetime. Our beloved Jazz Cruises, which has been the umbrella company for our operations for the last few years, is now a division of our overall operations which we have named Signature Cruise Experiences.

The reason for this modification is simple. “We” (a term to be defined later) have been asked to create and produce cruise programs that do not feature jazz. However shortsighted that pursuit may be, if our participation in those programs would be under the Jazz Cruises label, guests might be confused. Even sadder, there are folks who are not jazz fans! As Mr. T. would say, “I pity the fool!”

Let’s talk about the “We” for a moment. Our “We” includes our Guest Relations Staff, Marketing Team, Administrative Team, Production Team, Crew, etc. Though we refer to us as the Jazz Cruises’ team, technically, we are employed by Jazz Cruises Administration, LLC. Going forward, that company will be called Signature Cruise Experiences and we will be doing our jobs, both on the ship and in the office, under that name.

Many of you are guessing that this entire name change gambit is an excuse for us to develop and purchase new attire for the cruises. You would be half right if you thought that. New attire for each cruise season has always been our rule, but this change does give us the flexibility to create a newer look. At my age, any look has limits, but perhaps our team who selects the attire will find a way to make us (me) look younger.

For those who are relatively new to our operations, moving from Jazz Cruises to Signature Cruise Experiences sounds simple and direct. For those who have been with us for longer know that the history of what we call ourselves has changed from time to time, based solely upon one principle. Accuracy!

The most useful interpretation of the above line from Shakespeare is to recognize that a name, in and of itself, has no meaning or value. A name is a trigger. When said, a name conjures up a particular image, idea, shape or concept. Applying that logic to the various names of our company, our goal is to have that name trigger an accurate and clear insight into what we are doing and how we do it.

In 2004, we were producing The Jazz Cruise and The Smooth Jazz Cruise. Calling our company “Jazz Cruises, LLC” fully described our activities. A few years later, when we partnered with Time Life on Malt Shop Memories Cruise, Soul Train Cruise, Country Music Cruise, Celtic Thunder Cruise and more, we moved to a broader concept of our mission which we named “Entertainment Cruise Productions.”

Though we eventually sold our interests in those non-jazz cruise programs, for a few years we retained the name “Entertainment Cruise Productions” and began to produce our own non-jazz programs like The Elvis Cruise, Star Trek: The Cruise, NASCAR: The Cruise, The 80s Cruise and more. Again, “accuracy” was the test.

Around 2017, we changed course one more time. Though we continued to operate Star Trek: The Cruise and The 80s Cruise, ownership of our non-jazz cruise programs shifted to others, we moved our jazz programs to Celebrity Cruises and we reinstated the name “Jazz Cruises” as the owner of our jazz programs. The actual ownership of those cruises varied a bit, but, for the most part, you could identify Jazz Cruises easily.

The Pandemic days (1,029 days without sailing) paused our activities completely, but, when we returned to service, we thought it best to produce only the cruises we owned and return to an all-jazz portfolio. From that day forward, we have been producing various programs under the name Jazz Cruises and relinquished our rights to the name Entertainment Cruise Productions.

That name, Jazz Cruises, is not an ownership distinction or a legal entity by itself. As we discussed earlier, the name is a trigger, one that, hopefully, conjures the notion of top-flight cruise programs featuring the very best jazz musicians in the world.

Thus far, the post-Pandemic return to service has proven to be a very supportive time for our jazz programs and has energized various non-jazz organizations, companies and groups to engage us in the development of non-jazz cruise programs. Nothing has launched as yet, but it seemed wise to reflect this new direction with a new name.

Signature Cruise Experiences was chosen as the umbrella title for our programs. Unlike in the past, we are maintaining Jazz Cruises as the producer of our jazz programs. Event Cruise Productions, another new entity, will be the legal owner of any new non-jazz program.

Only time will tell what images will be triggered when you hear the name Signature Cruise Experiences or see that name on our staff attire during the cruises. We hope that you will continue to feel our gratitude, dedication and professional approach to each of you. Being in a business where you are serving folks who are spending significant amounts of money, are experienced travelers and who care so deeply about the cruises requires our full attention to detail, responsiveness to your requirements and, most of all, love and respect for the music.

If that is what you feel when hear the name Signature Cruise Experiences, then, in the immortal words of the Lone Ranger, “my work here is done.” Be honest, you did not see the Clayton Moore reference coming. And, if the Lone Ranger was a jazz fan, his famous departing line would reflect that interest.

“A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty Horace Silver!…The Lone Ranger!” 

By Michael Lazaroff, Executive Director of The Jazz Cruise, The Smooth Jazz Cruise, Chris Botti at Sea, Christian McBride’s World at Sea and Journey of Jazz. Feel free to express your views or pose questions to him at [email protected].

Samara Joy’s Portrait

Samara Joy, who has sailed on both The Jazz Cruise and Botti at Sea, has just released Portrait, an album recorded at the legendary Van Gelder Studios in New Jersey, with her touring band, an octet featuring trumpeter Jason Charos, trombonist Donavan Austin, saxophonists David Mason and Kendric McCallister, pianist Connor Rohrer, bassist Felix Moseholm and drummer Evan Sherman. The album, the follow up to her 2022 breakout album Linger Awhile, is co-produced by Samara and veteran trumpeter/bandleader Brian Lynch. The eight-song album includes songs such as “You Stepped Out of a Dream,” “Autumn Nocturne” and “Day by Day” and spotlights her, not just as a singer, but also as a songwriter, arranger and band leader. Samara will be presenting material from the album on her upcoming tour throughout the U.S. from October 13 to November 9. In addition, she’ll perform holiday music with her family in a show called A Joyful Holiday Featuring the McLendon Family at theaters and performing arts centers across the country December 3-23. 

The Youthful Side of Jazz

Just in the past few weeks, we have experienced some glorious and uplifting performances by great jazz musicians in their teens and early 20s. In each case, the performers were tutored and groomed by seasoned, often topflight, jazz musicians. Pay it Forward is alive and well on the jazz bandstand.

From Christian McBride’s and Melissa Walker’s Jazz House Kids to the All-Stars from the Vail Jazz Festival to the amazing young musicians fostered by the Los Angeles Jazz Society, the future of jazz is shining brightly.

Competition for places in the prestigious music schools in the country is fiercer than ever. Just as it is in sports, the passion for music is started at an early age and most of the performers are laser focused on their craft, their careers and their capabilities.

Simply admiring this phenomenon is not enough. For this trend to continue, there must be light at the end of the tunnel and enough food and supplies to get them there. The end of the tunnel means jobs, careers, opportunities and avenues to allow them to make a living with their music.

For us to help, we simply need to attend and support live music, fight circumstances when tracks are used rather than live musicians and purchase recorded music of musicians who are alive.

Getting those musicians to the light at the end of the tunnel requires support from jazz fans. Money for scholarships. Part time jobs while in school and training. Continued mentorship by today’s music icons.

Jazz Cruises is working on some form of youth event or production for and with every one of our programs. “And a child will lead us.” In music, this is only true if that child is provided the tools, time and teaching to reach their potential.

Stay tuned for more.

Alonzo on the Go

Our longtime comedian-in-residence Alonzo Bodden
invites his fans from the Jazz Cruises programs
to come out to see him perform at these upcoming shows:

October 26:
Blue Note Napa,
Napa, CA

November 8-9:
Punchline Comedy Club,
Atlanta, GA

November 14-16:
Helium Comedy Club,
Philadelphia, PA

Jazz Cruises’ Programs

The Jazz Cruise ’25: FULLY RESERVED & Celebrating it’s 25th Anniversary! The Jazz Cruise ’26 to be Announced Soon!

The Jazz Cruise ’25 is fully reserved. Since the cruise does not sail for several months, there will be cancellations and staterooms will become available. Stateroom vacancies are filled from the Waitlist, so if you wish to sail on The Jazz Cruise ’25, we urge you to JOIN WAITLIST now.

Stay tuned for the launch of The Jazz Cruise ’26. Most of the lineup has been secured, so we should be announcing the details of the cruise in mid to late November.

The Smooth Jazz Cruise ‘26.1 & ‘26.2: Lineup Just Announced! ’25 Sailings Fully Reserved

Both sailings for 2025 are fully reserved and the Waitlist has more than 4,000 entrants. 
We are now focused on reservations for the ’26 Sailings. All Pre-Sale Reservation Holders are eligible to reserve a stateroom and Open Booking begins on October 17.

The Smooth Jazz Cruise ‘26.3 Announcement is Here! The First SJC West-Coast Sailing!

We just announced the details of our third sailing of The Smooth Jazz Cruise in ’26! For the first time, The Smooth Jazz Cruise will sail from Vancouver and Victoria to San Francisco and Los Angeles with incredible excursions available. Open Booking begins on November 7th, but you can sign up for a Pre-Sail Reservation today! 

Botti at Sea ’25: Every Night is a Night on the Town;
New Performers Announced – Diana Krall and Peter Cincotti

Botti at Sea ’25 is more than 95% reserved. Act NOW to reserve one of the remaining staterooms. Veranda, Ocean View and Inside Staterooms are available in limited quantities.

Journey of Jazz ’25: Jazz Life at Sea & On Land Reserve Now – Excursions Available to Book Soon!

Jazz Cruises’ West Coast program, Journey of Jazz, hosted by Marcus Miller & Gregory Porter, is in Open Booking. Though not sailing for 12 months, the cruise is nearly 70% reserved.

The menu of land-based excursions in Victoria and San Francisco has been announced. Check out Jazz Cruises’ curated trips to Wine Country, Special Shows and more HERE. Reserve your stateroom now to be eligible for events when they become available to reserve next week.

Mug Shots

Tana M.
Nancy S.

Guests on the ’24 jazz cruises received The Weekender mug, which we hope you will use with your Saturday morning coffee while you read the latest edition. Please share a picture of yourself & your mug with us so that we can include it for the 100,000+ folks who receive The Weekender each Saturday.

Tag us @thejazzcruise, @bottiatsea, @thesmoothjazzcruise, #jazzcruises and #theweekender. Email your photo to [email protected].

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